Anti-corrosive treatments and coatings

Anticorrosive treatment of all types of constructions and metal structures, including equipment.

Anticorrosive treatment of all types of metal structures, including road and railway bridges, and general metal structures in the chemical, petrochemical industries, and others such as furnaces, storage tanks, among others.

Execution of various anticorrosive protection works in the renewable energy production and transportation sector, particularly in dams with interventions on gates, hydraulic circuits, and other equipment such as transformers, conduits, as well as support for lines and other associated structures for energy transportation and distribution.

A MONTACO dispõe de equipamentos e mão de obra qualificada para a execução dos mais diversos métodos de preparação de superfície e para a aplicação dos mais variados revestimentos de proteção contra a corrosão.

Está também equipada com equipamentos de elevado desempenho que permitem a contenção da dispersão de poeiras no local, a recolha de abrasivo por aspiração com bombas de vácuo, climatização e controlo de humidade e possui ainda uma ETARI – Estação de tratamento de águas residuais industriais portátil.

A elevada exigência e rigor na aplicação dos revestimentos, permite garantir a melhor performance dos mesmos em utilização.

Surface Preparation

Abrasive blasting, using mineral or metallic abrasives.

High-pressure water jet washing or ultra-high-pressure hydroblasting up to 3000 bar.

Mechanical cleaning, using electric or pneumatic tools, to comply with various regulatory standards.

Metalizing by hot metal projection

Metalizing by projecting zinc, aluminum or hot alloy.

Metalizing involves the application of molten and sprayed zinc, aluminum, or alloy wire by projection using a suitable spray gun.

Painting and other coatings

Application of different types of coatings and paintings, using suitable equipment for airless or conventional spraying.

This includes polyureas, 100% solid epoxies with a reduced polymerization time, laminates with fiberglass and carbon fibers, fitting for piping and buried equipment using polyethylene tapes, tank coatings, linings, among others.